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145 Main St N, Watford City, ND 58854,


CoQ10 10ml

Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $120.00.

CoQ10 10ml (Coenzyme Q10) is a vitamin-like substance which has a role in producing ATP, a molecule in cells that functions like a rechargeable battery in the transfer of energy. Coenzyme Q-10 is commonly used in treating inherited or acquired disorders that limit energy production in the cells of the body (mitochondrial disorders)


Horses Vitamin & ATP Booster

CoQ10 10ml (Coenzyme Q10) is a vitamin-like substance which has a role in producing ATP, a molecule in cells that functions like a rechargeable battery in the transfer of energy. Coenzyme Q-10 is commonly used in treating inherited or acquired disorders that limit energy production in the cells of the body (mitochondrial disorders), and for improving exercise performance providing increased energy to cells.


CoQ10 is a vital participant in the chain of metabolic chemical reactions that generate energy within cells. It is found in every cell of the body, but is present in higher concentrations in organs with higher energy requirements such as the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Many medical studies demonstrate supplemental CoQ10’s beneficial effects, most of which stem from its vital role in oxygen utilization and energy production, particularly in heart muscle cells.


An important antioxidant for the cardiovascular system and increase energy to cells hence improving performance. It  is critical for the body’s ability to make a substance called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is one of the most critical substances for creating energy – the body breaks it down into smaller molecules, and in doing so, a small amount of molecular energy is released.
Without sufficient CoQ10 10ml , your body may not produce enough ATP, which may hinder it’s ability to create energy.

CoQ10 10ml (or ‘co-enzyme q10’) plays a pivotal role in energy production, healthy heart function and cardiovascular health. It is naturally present in our bodies and is gained through diet typically through meat and fish). Our requirements for it  increase during times of stress, heavy physical exertion and as we age. During these times,it  supplement can be of benefit to top your levels up.

SIZE of CoQ10 10ml

Available in 6 x 10 ml vials.


Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) 25mg/ml (10ml Vial)


Inject 2mL (50mg) IM as directed


Store below 25C (Air Conditioned). Protect from direct light.

Keep out of reach from children.CoQ10 10ml CoQ10 10ml

Additional information

PackageSingle 10ml vial, Box of 6x10ml



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