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Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $50.00.

The product is intended to cause temporary neurolysis of the deep and superficial peroneal nerves, and eventually of the tibial nerve, with the purpose of reducing pain in the tarsal joint in chronic disorders.

PRESENTATION: Vial containing 50 ml.

SKU: NEUROLITICO – EQUISYSTEMS – 50ML Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


Neurolitico ES – Equi systems – 50 ml (ARG)

INDICATIONS: The product is intended to cause temporary neurolysis of the deep and superficial peroneal nerves, and eventually the tibial nerve, with the aim of reducing tarsal joint pain in chronic conditions. This reduction in pain produces an increase in joint mobility, greater irrigation of the area, while improving the quality of life of the horse.

ADMINISTRATION: Perineural, applying the truncal anesthesia technique to the corresponding nerves. Eventually, it can be applied subcutaneously in the esparavan area. Due to the density of the product, it is necessary that it be applied with a thick needle, e.g. 18G x 1.5. In very cold environments, the bottle can be placed in a bain-marie to facilitate application.

DOSAGE NEUROLITICO – EQUISYSTEMS – 50ML: The indicated doses refer to adult sporting horses.
Deep peroneal nerve: 5 to 8 ml.
Superficial peroneal nerve: 1.5 to 2ml
Tibial nerve: 6 to 10ml.
If it is decided to infiltrate the esparavan area, 1 to 2 ml are injected subcutaneously into the area, with or without air. This dosage may vary according to the criteria and experience of the acting Professional.

INTERVAL BETWEEN DOSE AND DURATION OF TREATMENT: A single application is required, and may be repeated if symptoms reappear. The duration of the neurolytic effect cannot be predicted, but is approximately 3 to 4 months.

CONTRAINDICATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF USE: Do not use in animals sensitive to the active ingredient. Its use is contraindicated when the injury to be treated could be aggravated by the treatment (fissures, joint fractures, ligamentous strains, etc.) or when the blockage implies risk for the animal or the rider.
Do not apply to infected or acutely inflamed tissues.
Do not administer to horses intended for human food consumption.

PRECAUTIONS: It is recommended to observe the antisepsis rules
This product must be applied by a Veterinary Doctor.

ADVERSE REACTIONS AND SIDE EFFECTS: In some cases fibrosis may occur at the injection site.
An inflammatory reaction may occur when applied to the tibial nerve.
In these cases, administer anti-inflammatories, showers in the area and walks.

Processing establishment No. 3683
Cert. No.: 15-175

Phenol 2.50g
Ammonium Chloride 5.00g
Excipients c.s.p. 100ml

Presentation: Ampoule bottle containing 50 ml


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